Our Goals
The Anglo-Austrian Society aims:
- To contribute to wider knowledge of Austrian and British culture, arts, science and lifestyle.
- To promote cultural and educational exchange between Austria and Great Britain, and to support interpersonal and inter-organisational contacts between the two countries.
The Anglo Austrian Society does not campaign for any political purpose either in Austria or in Great Britain.

Board of Trustees
The Anglo-Austrian Society is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), with a Foundation Model Constitution. It has a Board of Trustees. who are elected to the Board for three year terms and may stand for re-election.
The Society’s Annual General Meeting takes place online in June
Trustees of The Anglo-Austrian Society
The current members of the board are:
Dame Janet Ritterman DBE (Chair)
Jane Avery
Headley Beeson (Treasurer)
Robert Hopkins (Newsletter Editor)
Brigitte Kreuger
Patricia Langley
Judy Raumann (Membership Trustee)
Dr Felicitas Starr-Egger (Grants Trustee)
Dr Alexandra Withnall (Social Media Trustee)
Professor Michael Worton CBE (Board Secretary)