The Otto Harpner Fund
Awards are made from the Otto Harpner Fund to contribute to the costs of a short visit to Austria (or for Austrian applicants, to the UK) for any of the following purposes:
- to undertake an intensive language course (in German or English)
- to undertake specific study (for example, in music, art or architecture)
- to undertake research, or specific cultural or economic activities which help to foster relationships between Austria and the United Kingdom
While priority is normally given to applications in these areas, the above list is not seen as exhaustive. Applicants seeking support for projects which they believe reflect the purposes of the Fund are welcome to apply.
Assistance may also be provided for elderly or disabled people wishing to travel to Austria where their visit is intended to enhance Anglo-Austrian understanding.
Conditions of Award
- Applicants must be 18 years or older and resident either in the UK or in Austria.
- Applicants do not need to be members of the Society.
- The amount of an award is at the discretion of the Society. Awards are generally not more than £500.
- The cost of any travel insurance is the responsibility of the applicant.
- An award is made as a lump sum, paid to the successful applicant by bank transfer prior to travel, after booking confirmation details (e.g. courses, flights, accommodation etc.) have been received by the Society.
- The Society will not provide further funding for any additional unforeseen expenses.
- During any one calendar year, an applicant may apply for only one project.
- An applicant may make further applications to the Fund but will not normally receive funding more than once.
- Applicants are advised to consult relevant professional organisations for travel advice.
- Each award holder is required to write a brief report on their visit. The report must be submitted to the Society within one calendar month of the completion of the visit. At the Society’s discretion a report holder’s report may be published (whole or in part) in the Society’s Newsletter or on the website.
- A list of current Otto Harpner award holders is normally published in the Society’s Newsletter.
Otto Harpner Stipendien
- Besuch eines Intensiv-Sprachkurses (Deutsch oder Englisch)
- Spezifische Studien (zum Beispiel Musik, Kunst oder Architektur)
- Forschung oder spezifische kulturelle oder kommerzielle Aktivitätem, die Beziehungen zwischen Österreich und Großbritannien fördern können.
Obwohl Anträgen in diesen Bereichen normalerweise der Vorrang gegeben wird, so ist obige Liste keineswegs ausschließlich. Bewerbungen, deren Zwecke sich deutlich mit denen des Fonds und den Zielen der Gesellschaft decken, sind stets willkommen.
Bedingungen für die Verleihung von Stipendien
- BewerberInnen müssen mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein und entweder in Großbritannien oder in Österreich wohnhaft sein.
- BewerberInnen müssen aber zum Zeitpunkt ihres Ansuchens nicht unbedingt Mitglied der Anglo-Austrian Society sein.
- Die Höhe des Stipendiums liegt im Ermessen der AAS und beläuft sich normalerweise auf ungefähr £500.
- BewerberInnen müssen für die Kosten ihrer Reiseversicherung selbst aufkommen.
- Das Stipendium wird noch vor der Reise als Pauschalsumme per Banküberweisung, nach Erhalt bei der AAS entsprechender Unterlagen (z.B. Bestätigungen von Kursbuchung, Flug oder Unterkunft), übermittelt.
- Die AAS übernimmt keinerlei Verantwortung für spätere zusätzliche Kosten.
- In je einem Kalendarjahr, kann man nur für ein einziges Projekt einreichen.
- Erfolgreiche BewerberInnen können weitere Ansuchen um Unterstützung an den Fond stellen, normalerweise wird der Zuschuss aber für nicht mehr als einen Besuch gewährt.
- Die AAS kann keine Reiseinformationen geben. Bewerber sollten sich um solche Information an professionelle Organisationen wenden.
- Es wird von StipendiatInnen erwartet, dass sie einen kurzen Bericht über ihren Aufenthalt verfassen und diesen binnen eines Kalendermonats nach ihrer Rückkehr von ihrem Besuch der AAS unterbreiten. Solche Berichte können nach Ermessen der Gesellschaft ganz oder teilweise in deren Zeitschrift veröffentlicht werden.
- Eine Liste der gegenwärtigen Otto Harpner StipendiatInnen wird üblicherweise in der Zeitschrift der Anglo-Austrian Society veröffentlicht.
Das Antragsformular (nur auf englisch) kann von der AAS Web-Site heruntergeladen werden (siehe oben). Bewerbungen müssen per E-Mail eingereicht werden. Bewerbungen. BewerberInnen werden normalerweise binnen zwei Monaten nach dem Zeitpunkt des Eingangs des Antrags bei der Anglo-Austrian Society vom Resultat ihrer Bewerbung unterrichtet.
Electronic submission is preferred for Otto Harpner Fund applications.
Download application form (MS Word)
Applicants are usually informed of the outcome of their application within two months of the application being received by the Society.
The Angela Krosik Award for Doctoral Study
The Anglo-Austrian Society proposes to make a further award for doctoral study, funded from the Angela Krosik Bequest. The current holder of the award commenced doctoral studies in 2021/22. The next award is expected to be made for study commencing in 2024 or 2025. Information will be available here when applications can be submitted. The award is available from the beginning of the 2021/22 academic year. Applications can be submitted from 15 May 2021. The closing date for applications is 10 July 2021.
Origin of the bequest
Angela Krosik was born in 1924 in St Johann-Köppling, in south east Styria, about thirty kilometers from Graz. She settled in the UK in 1947, where she died in 2005. Assets from her estate which were left to The Anglo-Austrian Society have been used to establish this award for doctoral study, which bears her name.
2. The award is for doctoral research on a topic related to Austria.
3. The award may be used for tuition fees or maintenance, or to assist with research costs
(e.g. travel, cost of materials).
Value of the Award
5. The award will be paid in two equal instalments in each academic year, the first payable on
1st October and the second on 30th April.
7. Renewal of the award for the second or for the third year will be conditional on written confirmation to the Society by the awardholder’s supervisor before the beginning of the following year (i) that the student has made satisfactory progress with their research, and
(ii) that it is anticipated that the research will be completed within the period of the award.
8. The name of the holder of the award will be published in the Society’s Newsletter.
9. From the second year of registration, the awardholder of the award will be invited to give a talk on their research to members of the Anglo-Austrian Society. The awardholder will also be expected to write an account of the research being undertaken, to be published in the Society’s Newsletter.
Data Privacy
The Anglo-Austrian Society will only use your personal data when the law allows us to do so. Most commonly, we will use your personal information to comply with any legal obligations to which we are subject. In order to respect your privacy, we will keep your details secure. We will not share information with a third party.
We undertake to delete or to anonymise your personal data when this information is no longer required for the purpose for which it was originally collected or processed.
While you are involved with the Society, we would like to use your contact details to keep in touch about things that may matter to you. Please complete this form with your preferences and post back to us.