

The Stammtisch still is a focal point of social life in Austria. It is a meeting of people, an opportunity to talk, to share and to have a good time together. Do come along to an Anglo-Austrian Society Stammtisch and enjoy good company and discussion on a range of interesting topics. The Society has several regional Stammtisch groups and also an online group, which meets monthly via Zoom.


Local Stammtisch Meetings


Chiltern Stammtisch

Meets on the last Saturday of the month at 12.30pm at The Papermill (Brewers Fayre), London Road, Loudwater, High Wycombe HP10 9YL

For upcoming meetings, contact: Irene Kottbauer [email protected] or Sonia Palethorpe [email protected]

Edinburgh Stammtisch

For upcoming meetings, contact:  Margery MacKay [email protected]

Evesham Stammtisch

London Stammtisch

Meets monthly at 11am in Central London (Friends House, 173-177 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ – opposite Euston Station. Contact: [email protected]

Oxford Stammtisch

For upcoming meetings, contact Christine Gadsby: [email protected] or Heidrun Speedy: [email protected]

Virtual Stammtisch

The Anglo Austrian Society’s Virtual Stammtisch meets online on the fourth Friday of every month (except December and January) at 6.15pm (UK time). The members who take part come from many different parts of the UK – from the far north (Aberdeen) to Wales and the West Country. And to our great delight, members in Vienna, Berlin and Salzburg also join us on screen.

For each of our meetings, we have a speaker – often an Austrian speaker – who provides an introductory talk. After this we divide into two breakout groups – one English-speaking group, one German-speaking. Each group has a moderator from among the members, who encourages those on the call to chat about some of the things mentioned in the talk and to share similar personal experiences. The speaker usually spends some time with each group, so there is the chance to ask questions as well.

The Virtual Stammtisch is open to all members of the Society. In order to take part, all you then need is your own (free) Zoom account. Why not give it a try? It would be good to see you online. If you would like to join in, contact [email protected]